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Themes by tag: volunteers

07.12.2022 “Knitting Needles Are Your Weapon!” Members of “Zihrii” (Warm Up) Movement from All over Ukraine Knit Warm Clothes for Ukrainian Soldiers Who Are at the Front
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06.12.2022 A Renowned Radio Host Helps Pensioners in Difficulties in De-Occupied Towns and Villages of Kyiv Region
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05.12.2022 Lviv Defense Cluster Raised Funds for the Production of Evacuation Kits for Children. The Kits Consist of a Bulletproof Vest and a Helmet
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28.11.2022 Participants of “Helping to Leave” international project are ready to help the media meet with witnesses and victims of russia’s war crimes
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23.11.2022 Support by World Central Kitchen: the Charity Team Was One of the First to Arrive in the De-Occupied Kherson to Feed People
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18.11.2022 More Than 3 Tonnes of Used Disposable Cigarettes Have Already Been Collected by Kyiv Students. They Are Used to Make Batteries for UAVs
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14.11.2022 The first military uniform for a pregnant woman was made in Ukraine
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11.11.2022 On November 12, a veteran of the russo-Ukrainian war will run a half-marathon through Hostomel and Bucha to raise funds for rehabilitation of the military
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09.11.2022 Operators develop evacuation routes: over 43,000 Ukrainians managed to leave the war zone thanks to Helping to Leave project
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09.11.2022 Repairing houses, providing power generators and power banks. Maltese Aid Service launched “Winter Relief” program to help people in frontline regions
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