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Themes by tag: volunteers

07.02.2023 Game of Thrones star Jack Gleason will visit Ukraine for the first time: he will visit the capital’s theaters and meet with the military
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07.02.2023 A climber from Poland helps rescuers in Kharkiv clear the rubble after russian attacks. He also brings aid to the front
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07.02.2023 Returning deported children from russia and evacuating children from the war zone: how volunteers of “Save Ukraine” charitable foundation organize rescue operations
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03.02.2023 Therapeutic horse riding classes for wounded soldiers in Lviv
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02.02.2023 Treated to tasty food and tea by rescuers: how beauty salon workers worked at an Invincibility Center during a power outage
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01.02.2023 A show of support: a chef from the Netherlands and his wife make pancakes for refugees
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31.01.2023 “Pizza on wheels:” foreign volunteers bake food outdoor for refugees and residents of various Ukrainian cities
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31.01.2023 Odesa volunteers made a mobile bath — soon it will be sent to the front
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30.01.2023 Before the Full-Scale War, She Organized Pilgrimage Tours, And Now Evacuates the Killed Soldiers’ Bodies: The Story of the Volunteer Tetiana Pototska
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26.01.2023 Volunteering during the search and rescue operation in Dnipro: representatives of “Baking Troops” initiative cook various delicious snacks for Ukrainian defenders
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