October 16, 2023, 14:19

Ukrainian farmers suffered at least $40 billion worth of losses – Dmytro Solomchuk

The amount of losses incurred by Ukrainian farmers due to Russia’s war on Ukraine totaling a whopping tens of billions of dollars.

Dmytro Solomchuk, MP and a member of Verkhovna Rada’s Agrarian and Land Policy Committee, expressed this opinion during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform. 

“Calculating the entire amount of agricultural business losses the struggling farmers have sustained since the beginning of the war, there will probably be a greater number than 9 possible digits for the calculator to show. It is difficult to even calculate it. However, perhaps, at least 30-40 billion dollars are the most reasonable figures. But it’s hard to accurately calculate: hundreds of thousands of hectares of land are contaminated with mines, destroyed warehouses, equipment, unharvested and thus unexported crops, lost revenues, and environmental damage, many hundreds of thousands of hectares will require long environmental restoration. It is difficult to sum up everything. Depending on how it will all be restored, a clear conclusion is needed so then we can give the exact figure. But, in my opinion, it’s no less than $40 billion,” explained Dmytro Solomchuk. 

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news