December 19, 2023, 14:58

Ukrainian carriers should consider possibility of bypassing Poland when transporting goods – Vice President of Association of International Road Carriers

Ukrainian carriers need to talk to exporters and importers about picking routes with border crossings through other countries. In particular, through Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

Volodymyr Balin, Vice President of the Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine, made this statement during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“Slovakia and Hungary still pose lower risks than Poland. Because when there were protests in Slovakia, the authorities were adamant about it, and in one way or another unblocked the border. At most they (protesters – Ed.) stood there for four days. Hungary forbade blocking the road in general. If there is a strike, then it’s supposed to be near the road and not obstruct traffic. Romania does not currently require the return of permits and actively cooperates with Ukraine on the prospects of building checkpoints, including through Moldovan territory. And I think that today it is necessary to work in this direction, it is promising. And we are ready to transport goods bypassing Poland, I don’t see another option today. Because the train is an alternative, but it’s 20, 30, 40 cars a day, and it won’t solve the problem,” Volodymyr Balin explained. 

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