Ukraine communicates with world experts about possible risks of illegal traffic of cultural values. The leadership has created red lists, and crimes are recorded by monitoring mission — the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine
Ukraine conducts multifaceted cooperation with the governments and organizations of various countries to prevent the illegal traffic of cultural values. Kateryna Chuieva, Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine
emphasized this during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform.
“From the beginning, it was obvious that we must capture the damage that happens to objects of cultural heritage, whether movable or immovable. However, it was necessary to take precautions for the future risks of illegal traffic of cultural property. There is constant intensive communication with various organizations: especially the protection and support of UNESCO, the European Commission, other EU agencies, all possible governmental and intergovernmental committees, and public and professional foundations. By cooperation with ministries, Ukraine very actively informs the governments of various countries about all the risks and threats of such illegal traffic,” Chuieva said.
According to Ihor Poshyvaylo, Director General of the Maidan Museum and co-founder of the Headquarters for the Rescue of Heritage the International Council of Museums has specially developed Red Lists for Ukraine together with Ukrainian museum staff.
“This is a tooltip for Interpol, for auctions, for identifying artistic values illegally exported from Ukraine. From the first days of the war, the Smithsonian SCRI initiative began to control the situation in the occupied territory and essentially captured these crimes. In a nearly live broadcast, they observed as the russians took away cultural values from occupied Kherson. All these important data are provided to Ukraine in order to record crimes and eventually present them in an international tribunal,” said Poshyvaylo.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news