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Themes by tag: volunteers

17.08.2022 In Chernihiv oblast, volunteers are helping local residents rebuild housing destroyed by the war
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15.08.2022 The Hands for a Mom project buys a prosthetic leg for 62-years-old Iryna from Sievierodonetsk wounded in a russian artillery attack
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15.08.2022 A posh restaurant is transformed into a social canteen to provide food for internally displaced persons
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11.08.2022 A toloka collective community work event will be held in Lviv to establish a new modern IDP shelter
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11.08.2022 Let your smoking kill russians: students in Kyiv collect used e-cigarettes to create drones
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10.08.2022 Country in a Smartphone: a MineFree mine safety app has been developed in Ukraine
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09.08.2022 Unseen Azovstal: Prytula Foundation organizes a charity exhibition of photos of Azovstal heroes
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09.08.2022 Clearing the rubble and providing the necessary items: volunteers help Kyiv region residents who suffered as a result of the war
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08.08.2022 A Polish mountaineer helps Kharkiv rescuers to clear debris, working in Saltivka, the worst destroyed city district
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08.08.2022 World Central Kitchen’s founder visits Media Center Ukraine in Kyiv
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