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Themes by tag: volunteers

16.12.2022 Kharkiv Activist Yuliia Napolska, Who Survived the Shelling of the Kharkiv Oblast State Administration in February, Talks About Volunteering and Millions-Strong Collections for the Front
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15.12.2022 Specialized body armor for front-line medics is being manufactured by Lviv Defense Cluster team. They plan to hand over 3,000 bulletproof vests to doctors
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15.12.2022 A volunteer from Kherson helped hospitals during the entire period of occupation and still continues to do so
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14.12.2022 A surprise celebration for retirees: on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, “Yulyni Babusi” charitable foundation will visit a retirement facility in Kyiv region
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14.12.2022 A school damaged by the russians at the beginning of the invasion is under repair in Kyiv region
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13.12.2022 American TV Presenter Will Hand Over Cars to the Kyiv Region Police for Work in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone — Press Tour
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09.12.2022 Canada’s gift to Ukraine: on December 13, outstanding pianist Darius Mažintas will perform in the city of Izium
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08.12.2022 Volunteers built a house for a woman from Chernihiv oblast who lost her home during the war: they are working on interior repairs so that she could move in by Christmas
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08.12.2022 “St. Nicholas’ Reindeer” project amidst all-out war: this year, volunteers will deliver gifts to displaced children and visit de-occupied cities
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07.12.2022 Free of Charge Manicure, Make-Up and Hairstyles: Beauty Volunteers Plan to Help People in Chernihiv Region
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