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Themes by tag: volunteers

17.01.2023 The “Still Strong” Project: Public and Private Clinics Have Teamed Up to Treat at No Charge the Injuries Got by People During the War
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16.01.2023 On January 18, three mobile bomb shelters will be set up in the center of Kherson
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13.01.2023 Visits to Hostomel, Kyiv region and de-occupied cities of Kharkiv region: beauty volunteers will provide free haircuts, eyebrow correction, and massages
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12.01.2023 More Than 5,500 Videos and 26,000 Photos. Dattalion Data Collection Project Helps Ukraine on the Information Front
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12.01.2023 Volunteer and Deputy of the Kherson City Council Oksana Pohomii Survived the Entire Period of Occupation in the City, and Now Works Towards Kherson Restoration
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11.01.2023 Hairdresser from Kyiv cuts hair and shaves military men for free as well as styles hair of female border guards who returned from captivity
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09.01.2023 A Mobile Concrete Shelter Was Installed in Kherson City on the Site Shelled by Russians in December
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05.01.2023 Beauty Volunteers Will Visit the Moshchun Village in the Kyiv Region That Suffered from the Invaders: the Residents Will Get Free Haircuts, Manicures, and Massages
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05.01.2023 Volunteers Help People Preserve Their Homes After Enemy Shelling in Kyiv. The Citizens Are Invited to Communal Works Again
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04.01.2023 The World Central Kitchen Team Brings Hot Food to the People Most Affected by Russian Aggression. A Short While Ago, Citizens Whose Homes Were Damaged by Enemy Missiles and Drones Were Boarded in the Capital
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