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Themes by tag: Sumy

16.08.2024 Surviving occupation: Ostrich farm owner Ihor Tsyba turns farm into rehabilitation center for wild animals
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07.08.2024 He managed to avoid the war in his native Syria, but shelling caught up with him in Ukraine’s Sumy region: the story of Hazh Ali Shadi
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21.05.2024 Ukrainian team of World Central Kitchen supports civilian evacuations in Kharkiv and Sumy regions
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15.04.2024 Delving into the world of agricultural machinery: Female students take the wheel at Sumy University
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12.03.2024 Library heroine saves books from a destroyed library hiding over 1,000 of them from the occupiers amidst devastation in Sumy Oblast
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19.02.2024 Rest, food and support: a Bakhmut resident created an Assistance Center for people from temporarily occupied territories in Sumy region
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03.11.2023 She saved books from a destroyed library in Sumy oblast: Valentyna Hantseva hid over 1,000 books from the occupiers
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12.09.2023 There is a historical and ethnographic museum created by the villagers 30 kilometers from the enemy border in the Sumy region
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30.08.2023 Dismantling rubble and restoring the roof in the workshop: How volunteers are rebuilding a Sumy region school hit by a Russian drone on August 23
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04.07.2023 Clearing the territory and locating explosive ordnance: how the international organization “The Halo Trust” demines Ukrainian land
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