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Themes by tag: military

24.05.2024 In between combat missions, he bakes bread for his brothers in arms: the story of serviceman Dmytro Bigas
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20.05.2024 He serves in the Defense Forces ranks and cultivate sweet potatoes using cutting-edge agricultural drones: A military man Ivan Pavlish’s story
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17.05.2024 Chiara the pit bull, Marta the cat, and Rem the dog: A clothing line by Azovstal Defenders’ Families and UAnimals Shop features pets awaiting their people’s release
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15.05.2024 Didn’t leave her husband with PTSD and encouraged him back to the family: A military wife, Victoriia Prokhorenko’s journey
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15.05.2024 Soldier Myroslav Kobylianskyi chronicles the city of Mary in “My Mariupol and the World Around” photo book
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07.05.2024 Anhelina, a lesbian comms specialist who uses he/she pronouns: the story of a military with the call sign “Max”
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03.05.2024 Her spouse held the fort of the Azovstal was killed in Olenivka terrorist attack: Rusudana’s story rearing two children
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02.05.2024 On May 6, a briefing entitled “Two-year long “Honorable Captivity”: how to save the fighters of the “Azov” brigade from russian captivity?” will be held in Kyiv
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02.05.2024 Raising funds for the rehabilitation of his brother in arms: on May 6, a veteran who lost a leg and an arm will go on a one-day walking marathon using a prosthesis
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01.05.2024 She returned from studying abroad to join the Armed Forces: the story of servicewoman Anna “Kazhan” Ziablikova
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