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Themes by tag: military

23.08.2022 August 24: 24 hours, 24 hryvnias. Kalush Orchestra band, winners of Eurovision Song Contest 2022, raise funds for the rehabilitation of Azovstal heroes
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22.08.2022 A volunteer barber cuts hair and shaves the military personnel in one of Kyiv’s hospitals. He has already helped over two hundred soldiers
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09.08.2022 Unseen Azovstal: Prytula Foundation organizes a charity exhibition of photos of Azovstal heroes
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05.08.2022 Families of Azovstal defenders will hold a rally in Lviv on August 5
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03.08.2022 Valeria “Osa,” an anti-tank missile system operator, has been destroying enemy machinery on the front line since the first days of the war
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28.07.2022 A record number of marriages was registered in Kyiv during the 5 months of the war. A lot of newlyweds are in the military
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27.07.2022 “Running for Azovstal”. A running flashmob will be held in Kyiv in support of the defenders of Mariupol
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25.07.2022 In Odesa, volunteers launch a project to provide women on the front line with uniforms and ammunition
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20.07.2022 The Ukrainian military installed special feeders for cats and dogs abandoned by their owners in frontline villages
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18.07.2022 A Ukrainian veteran without an arm and a leg keeps walking day by day to raise money for an SUV for Ukraine’s Armed Forces
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