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Themes by tag: military

03.11.2022 “Female Pilots of Ukraine” school has already received over 100 applications from those willing to study. The goal of the school is to give every Ukrainian woman the skills necessary to defend Ukraine
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31.10.2022 Photographers Liberovs Published Photos with the First Woman Who Headed the Artillery Unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
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28.10.2022 “Countrymen”: Women in the Rear United to Help Girls Who Serve on the Front Line
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27.10.2022 The “Igla” Used by Special Forces for Shooting Down the russian Helicopter in Zaporizhia Became a Lot at a Charity Auction
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26.10.2022 “Kazhan” combat drones will be handed over to the military, journalists are invited to the demonstration
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26.10.2022 Air defense in a smartphone: Odesa developers created an app to help Ukraine’s Armed Forces shoot down enemy missiles and it already yields results
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24.10.2022 “Blood Clotting Activator” Was Developed by Lviv Scientists: It Acts Three Times Faster Than Foreign Analogues
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21.10.2022 A Ukrainian Soldier Who Lost His Leg in Kharkiv Region in Summer Obtained a Prosthetic Leg at the Center “Nezlamni“ in Lviv
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21.10.2022 “Arm Women Now”: Production of Military Uniforms for Women Has Been Launched in Ukraine. It Already Helps Defenders Feel More Comfortable at the Front Line Already
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17.10.2022 “Tachka Na TROkachku”. Journalists Are Invited to See On Their Own How Old Cars Are Restored for the Needs of Territorial Defense Forces
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