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Themes by tag: military

17.01.2023 How Explorers Being Shelled by Invaders and Risking Their Lives Evacuate the Bodies of Dead Military and Civilians
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12.01.2023 Met with a Full-Scale Invasion in the Luhansk Region: The Story of the Mortar Battery Deputy Commander, the National Guard Officer, Khrystyna “Kudriava”
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04.01.2023 Volunteer Project “Marriage for a Hero”: How Weddings for the Military Are Organized
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27.12.2022 Relatives of Ukrainian Prisoners of War Strive for Their Returning Home
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23.12.2022 Paramedic Julia Paevska (Taira) who returned from russian captivity, founded “Mria” foundation to take care of families of POWs
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23.12.2022 “AZOV regiment: Christmas in captivity.” Relatives of AZOV fighters will gather in Kyiv to remind the world about the prisoners
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22.12.2022 Non-Governmental Organization “Vidchuy” (Feel) Helps Military Personnel at the Front to Protect Their Sense of Hearing, and Also Deals with Rehabilitation of Army Personnel Who Have Received Hearing Injuries
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21.12.2022 Arm Women Now: the Female Military Uniforms Exhibition Was Presented in Ukraine for the First Time Ever
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21.12.2022 Priests Who Work at the Front: Who Are Army Chaplains in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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15.12.2022 The journalist, who joined the army after her fiancé died at the front, became the person of the year according to Italian newspaper “Il Foglio”
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