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Themes by tag: Lviv

30.06.2022 Italian volunteer surgeon who helped treat wounds using a novel technology will visit Lviv again
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24.06.2022 Lviv Self-Defense Warrior, a Firearm School for Everyone, Opens in Lviv
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22.06.2022 In Lviv, Free Military Training Is Open to Everyone
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21.06.2022 Representatives of the Tribunal for putin Initiative Documenting russia’s War Crimes in Ukraine Will Come to Media Center Ukraine
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17.06.2022 Over 100 pregnant women who fled the war will receive temporary housing in Lviv. Construction is to be completed in July
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16.06.2022 Nino Katamadze, a renowned Georgian singer, will visit Media Center Ukraine
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15.06.2022 A Turkish National Became a Volunteer in Ukraine and Helps Ukraine’s Armed Forces
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15.06.2022 Ukrainian Museum Workers Help Their Colleagues Near the Frontline and in Occupied Territories by Rescuing Not Only Exhibits But Also Their Lives
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14.06.2022 IT Companies from Kramatorsk, a City near the Frontline, Offer Their Replacements for russian Software. Company Founders Were Displaced due to the War for the Second Time
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14.06.2022 Ukrainian Engineers Developed Unique Software to Collect Blood Efficiently
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