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Themes by tag: children

10.01.2023 Children of War platform works in Ukraine: according to its data, russians forcibly deported over 13,000 Ukrainian children
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04.01.2023 The 5th Grader Serhii, Who Left Luhansk Region, Now Lives in a School in Dnipropetrovsk Region, and Attends Lessons in the Same Institution
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03.01.2023 Children’s Protective Kits: Helmets and Bulletproof Vests Manufactured by the Lviv Defense Cluster Help Save Children’s Lives Near the Front Line
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22.12.2022 The Film from Ukraine “A House Made of Splinters” Is Shortlisted for the Academy Award
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20.12.2022 A Small Part of the Track Survived: Chernihiv Continues to Engage in Biathlon at the Ski Resort Destroyed by Invaders
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08.12.2022 “St. Nicholas’ Reindeer” project amidst all-out war: this year, volunteers will deliver gifts to displaced children and visit de-occupied cities
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05.12.2022 Lviv Defense Cluster Raised Funds for the Production of Evacuation Kits for Children. The Kits Consist of a Bulletproof Vest and a Helmet
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27.10.2022 The Art School Destroyed in Mariupol Has Resumed Its Work in Lviv; Children Has Already Begun Tuition
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29.09.2022 Adoption during the war. An event for people who would like to foster a child in the family will take place in Lviv
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19.09.2022 Safe evacuation: Lviv Defense Cluster starts producing body armor for kids
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