May 20, 2024, 15:11

The future depends on the world’s readiness to support the Ukrainian Peace Formula – Valentyn Gladkykh

Currently, the future hinges on the outcomes of the Global Peace Summit and the extent to which the civilized world is prepared to support the Ukrainian Peace Formula and adopt it as a foundation for further regulation.

Valentyn Gladkykh, political analyst, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, made this statement during the discussion at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“I want to emphasize once again that this Peace Formula (Ukrainian Peace Formula – Ed.) is not discriminatory against third countries, that is, we cannot say that Ukraine is trying to protect its interests and at the same time it, for example, will hinder the development of other states There is nothing in this Peace Formula that would contradict the norms of international law and the requirements of the UN Charter. That is, all this is completely consistent and moreover – substantiated. I think that the Global Peace Summit is perhaps the first step towards the potential formation of structures parallel to the UN, which, unfortunately, in the current situation is unable to perform very important functions. Therefore, I am inclined to think that today the future depends on the outcome of the Peace Summit and the extent to which the civilized world will be ready to support this Formula and take it as a basis for further regulation,” said Valentyn Gladkykh.

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