Media Center Ukraine hosts discussion entitled “Sustainability of Ukrainian Companies: Dialogue Between Businesses and Cities”
The business continuity plan in wartime and how companies should prepare for infrastructure sustainability — these and other topics were discussed by the participants of the discussion entitled “Sustainability of Ukrainian Companies: Dialogue Between Businesses and Cities,” which took place at Media Center Ukraine. The participants included Andrii Moskalenko, Deputy Head of the Lviv City Council, Nestor Shvets, Chief Lawyer of the Lviv IT Cluster, Head of the BCP team of the Lviv IT Cluster, Anna Shcherbakova, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at GlobalLogic in Ukraine, and Ihor Kostiv, Junior Vice President for Engineering, GlobalLogic Ukraine.
The full video of the discussion is available here.
The most interesting quotes from the speakers follow below:
Andrii Moskalenko, Deputy Head of the Lviv City Council on restoring communication in the conditions of war:
“For the IT industry, as ultimately for all industries, the basic critical things needed for functioning are very important. This depends on, of course, a stable power supply, communication capabilities. In principle, all these things are scaled to all industries. We held several zoom meetings with the IT Cluster about this issue, after that we had conversations with mobile operators, because the issue of communication is key. And there are many things that we have worked out technically.”
Anna Shcherbakova, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at GlobalLogic in Ukraine on what the BCP plan is:
“BCP plan, or business continuity plan is, in principle, a set of scenarios for any possible force majeure situation that may happen to your business. GlobalLogic has had it for many years, for the first time we actively tested it in 2014 and for the second time in February 2022. We have started testing it and we are actually still doing so.”
Ihor Kostiv, Junior Vice President for Engineering, GlobalLogic Ukraine on the implementation of the business continuity plan:
“BCP is developed at several levels and in IT, the project methodology is where the process is described. That is, the business priorities are determined, what can happen is determined. Because everything that happens, it doesn’t just happen in a snap of a finger, there are always some prerequisites or signals that you can react to. And the seriousness of this event for business is determined in the same way. Is it extremely critical or less critical and how long it lasted, how much it can affect events. Each scenario is worked out and our response to that scenario is determined.”
Nestor Shvets, Chief Lawyer of the Lviv IT Cluster, Head of the BCP team of the Lviv IT Cluster on the functioning of the IT industry in wartime conditions:
“The IT Research Resilience project showed very good results. Basically, IT workers are ready to work for the country, most of them are ready to stay in the country. And what helps them the most to be here, is the symbiosis, cooperation between the Cluster, the authorities, both regional and city. That is, it allows us to say that the industry is resistant, under certain conditions, our IT workers do not want to leave Ukraine and their cities, and on the contrary, they are looking for ways to fully recover, and how to be as efficient as possible.”
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news