Yevhenii Fedorenko, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform
December 28, 2022, 15:46

25,000 entrepreneurs already use EkoSystem platform; procedures take 5 minutes instead of 2 months — Ministry of Environment

EcoSystem online platform makes it easier for entrepreneurs to receive environmental services. Yevhenii Fedorenko, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine made this statement during the briefing entitled “Digital Deregulation in Environmental Protection” at Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform.

“Today, out of 29 environmental services, we have digitized 9 services on EcoSystem, of which 5 are provided in a fully ‘peopleless’ format, that is, without the intervention of officials. Over 10,000 entrepreneurs have already used such services this year. They spent an average of 5 minutes on the procedures, instead of 2 months, as it was before. At the same time, almost UAH 92 million of indirect costs were saved, which the business used to spend on printing, consulting and other things that were necessary for obtaining permits. In general, since its creation, about 25,000 entrepreneurs have already used EcoSystem, in this period they have submitted more than 6,500 requests for online services,” — Fedorenko said.

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