January 23, 2024, 15:40

Since occupation of peninsula started, russia has conducted 18 conscription campaigns in Crimea

The russian federation has conducted 18 forced conscription campaigns in temporarily occupied Crimea and drafted at least 45,000 Crimeans since the occupation of the peninsula.

Volodymyr Chekryhin, Deputy Board Chairperson at the Crimean Human Rights Group, made this statement during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“It is important to point out the violation of International Humanitarian Law by the russian federation, which it has been committing since the beginning of the occupation (of Crimea – Ed.). First of all, we are talking about forced conscription, which keeps going. Since the beginning of the occupation, there have already been 18 conscription campaigns, as a result of which at least 45,000 Crimeans were drafted,” he noted.

According to the human rights activist, since the beginning of 2022, the occupiers have begun concealing the official figures regarding the number of individuals they call up for military service. However, human rights activists claim that at least 5,000 Crimeans were conscripted last year.

Volodymyr Chekryhin noted that the so-called mobilization in Crimea has not stopped, and it keeps going. Despite the fact that the exact numbers of conscripts are unknown, at least 480 Crimean casualties have been recorded. However, these are only those Crimeans who have been identified, so the exact number may be much higher. 

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news