April 14, 2024, 17:31

russia has become a revisionist foe in the Black Sea and broader Euro-Atlantic waters — Viktorija Starych-Samuoliene

russia has become a revisionist foe in the Black Sea and in the broader Euro-Atlantic waters. At the same time the Chinese fleet is growing at an astonishing rate in the Indo-Pacific, and yet a number of countries remain in denial of this.

Viktorija Starych-Samuoliene, Co-founder and Director of Strategy at Council on Geostrategy, Co-organiser of the First Sea Lords’ Sea Power Conference, made this statement during the Second Black Sea Security Conference,

“russia has become a revisionist foe in the Black Sea, no doubt about that, and in the broader Euro-Atlantic waters as well. And while the People’s Republic of China’s fleet is growing at an astonishing rate in the Indo-Pacific, a number of countries still are in denial of this as well. Therefore, we need to start connecting all these dots, and we need to start communicating very clearly to the wider audience why sea power matters. In addition to this there’s another layer that is very important, and it is understanding the intensifying geopolitical competition arena that we find ourselves in,” she said.

She emphasized that on February 24, 2022, russia undermined one of the main principles of the rules-based international system.

“And since then, that system has been even more under strain than before. It became even more clear to everyone that it is now really serious and we need to do something about it. We think that russia is posing an anti-systemic challenge to the rules-based international system, and we know that China is posing a counter-systemic challenge to the rules-based international system,” added Viktorija Starych-Samuoliene.


Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news