November 9, 2023, 17:17

Poll: 57% of Odesa residents consider all Russian people to be guilty of war

More than a half of the population of Odesa region (57%) agrees that all Russian people are responsible for the war against Ukraine, not just the political leadership. 30% of respondents disagree with this statement, and 13% have not decided on their position on this issue. 

This was stated by Polina Bondarenko, an analyst at the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, at a briefing at the Ukraine-Odesa Media Center.

Director of the GN Consulting communication agency Oleksandr Shatkhin added that this is despite the fact that residents of Odesa region have many relatives in Russia. Many of those surveyed have not been in contact with them since the start of the full-scale invasion.

Younger respondents are more likely to hold the Russian people responsible for the war against Ukraine: 66% of respondents aged 18 to 29, compared to 51% of respondents over 60. However, across all categories, a relative majority agreed with the statement about collective responsibility. Respondents living in towns and villages were more likely to agree with the statement about the collective responsibility of the Russian people than those living in cities: on average, 63% compared to 55% in cities.

The regional poll was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in cooperation with the Center for Political Sociology on July 10-21, 2023, with 708 respondents aged 18 and older interviewed face-to-face. The relative error does not exceed 4%.

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