October 19, 2023, 17:15

Pensions, benefits and payments to military personnel and their families can be arranged at the municipal “Hub Veteran”

Odessa municipal Hab Veteran has been opened in Odesa at the Administrative Services Center at 2d Kosivska Street.

This was announced at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine by Oleksandr Korovai, director of the HUB Veteran Service Office.

“Now is the right time to open for defenders and their families, so that all services are in one place,” said the former serviceman, who has now become the director of HUB Veteran.

The institution is open to those who have returned from the front, relatives of fallen heroes, and family members of military personnel – those who need to draw up documents and receive benefits and cash payments.

The staff of the HUB Veteran front office includes lawyers, psychologists and social workers. Some of them are veterans who have been at the front and understand the problems of military personnel: from finding a job, applying for benefits and obtaining the status of a combatant. In addition, the new front office offers pensions and benefits.

“We are in constant communication with our employment centers and other institutions that are necessary for everyone who has returned from the front. We are still recruiting staff, and soon we will set up a hotline where people can call and make an appointment with the necessary specialists. But we are already working, come to us at 2d Kosivska Street – we are located next to the Center for Administrative Services,” summarized Oleksandr Korovai.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news