Online Platform about russia’s Creating World Food Crisis Has Been Made Available to Readers
russia is destroying Ukraine’s agricultural infrastructure and logistics by blocking seaports, stealing grain and agricultural machinery, and setting fields with ripe grain alight. It resulted in an abrupt drop in the supply on the international food market and rapid growth of prices for staple crops. Ukrainian farmers and food producers risk their lives to harvest the grain and mitigate the worldwide food crisis.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and with financial support from the European Union, BRAND UKRAINE has launched a platform war.ukraine.ua/food-security describing how russia causes a global food crisis worldwide with facts, infographics, and stories of Ukrainian farmers. The platform development was supported by a team of Ukrainian diplomats and national experts in agriculture, food security, and international communications.
All infographics, posters, and stories available on the website can be shared for free. So please share the truth and help Ukraine!
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news