“It’s not over the past year that Ukraine changed the global information landscape, but during the first Maidan,”— Institute of Information Security
Before the first Maidan protest in 2003-2004, Ukraine had been presented in the world’s media as a secondary object, and it was then that Ukrainians began to form their identity as a “nation that can,” Artem Bidenko, Head of the Institute of Information Security said at a briefing at Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform.
“It wasn’t today or over the past year, or so, that Ukraine changed the global information landscape, but during the first Maidan, paradoxical as it may be. Back in 2003-2004, Ukraine became the focus of the world media and, in fact, formed the agenda, perhaps for the first time, independently. Before that, in all the stories of the day, Ukraine appeared secondary — an object against which a few special information operations were sometimes organized. It was during the first Maidan that Ukrainians began to form their identity as a nation, as a country that can, that is capable. We were constantly being told that we are a faied state, that we can’t, that we are a lame duck. But we proved that we can be the focus of the prominent media of the whole world. The Second Maidan cemented it, the war began, and Ukraine has been constantly on the agenda since then,” — Bidenko noted.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news