June 7, 2024, 16:59

Involving women in strengthening country’s economy: necessary steps today

To achieve gender balance in the labor market today, particularly by attracting more women, it is crucial to create appropriate opportunities for access to care infrastructure and to develop a safe working environment.

Yaryna Voloshyn, Head of Communications Department at JurFem Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association made this statement during a discussion at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“If we really want to strengthen the economy by involving women, who constitute half of the population, we must recognize that expecting significant economic progress without involving half of the workforce is a bit childish. To do this fairly, we must create a safe environment, address the issue of care work, and establish infrastructure that allows women to delegate these responsibilities. Additionally, we must clearly communicate that we do not tolerate any form of violence and talk with those who may still need to understand this,” explained Yaryna Voloshyn.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news