In 2023, 4 new training centers were established in Odesa region
There are 37 training and practical centers (TPCs) in Odesa region based on vocational education institutions. They were created at the expense of the state and regional budgets, as well as social partners. This was announced at a briefing at the Ukraine-Odesa Media Center by Taisa Abozina, deputy director of the Odesa regional department of education and science.
In particular, in 2023, the following TPCs were created:
– locksmithing on the basis of the Odesa Center for Vocational Education;
– modern welding technologies on the basis of the Berezivka Higher Vocational School of the National University “Odesa Polytechnic”;
– restoration technologies and decor on the basis of the Odesa Professional Lyceum of Construction and Architecture;
– training of workers in the profession of “ship’s electrician” at the Odesa Professional Lyceum of Maritime Transport.
In order to implement the strategy for reforming the school catering system for 2023-2027, a culinary hub was created in the Odesa Center for Vocational Education as part of a pilot project. It is planned to open 2 more culinary hubs at the Danube and Northern Vocational Education Centers.
Vocational training, retraining, and advanced training of students in Odesa region are provided by 27 vocational education institutions. Shelters are equipped in 25 of them. The institutions enroll 11727 men and women and employ 1315 people.
Multidisciplinary vocational education centers have been created in the region through mergers: Northern Center for Vocational Education, Danube Center for Vocational Education, Odesa Vocational Lyceum of Maritime Transport, and the United Higher Vocational School of Services of the National University “Odesa Law Academy”. At the same time, reorganization measures are underway to merge the Odesa Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering and the Odesa Higher Vocational School of Motor Transport.
Vocational education institutions educate 592 orphans and children deprived of parental care, 266 children, 7 combatants, 234 internally displaced persons and about 3000 children from large and low-income families.
In special and inclusive groups of 10 vocational education institutions, 162 people with special educational needs are studying in construction, agricultural, service and catering professions.
The most popular professions among applicants in 2023 were the following: “wheeled vehicle repair mechanic”, “agricultural tractor driver”, “cook”, “electric and gas welder”, “tailor”, “electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment”, “hairdresser (hairdresser-model)” and “motorist (driver)”.
In 2023, the volume of the regional order was approved in the amount of 3744 people (in 2022 – 3503 people). The Ministry of Education and Science also received proposals for the volume of the state order in 2023 – 640 people (550 people in 2022). In 2023, the graduation rate amounted to 5334 people, including: 4662 students and 73 listeners from among the employed and unemployed population; 599 people underwent retraining and advanced training. 119 people received diplomas at the educational qualification level of “professional junior bachelor”, which is 2% of the total graduates.
Of the graduates, 3,735 were employed in their profession (80%), 466 continued their studies in professional higher education institutions (10%), 50 were called up for military service (1%), and 172 applied for employment assistance from employment services (4%).
Fifty-one employees and 56 students of vocational education institutions took up arms to defend Ukraine.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news