If Ukraine won today, in 2.5-3 months shutdowns would be a thing of the past — Kharchenko
It would take 2.5-3 months for Ukraine to ensure 24-hour electricity supply to consumers, if the victory were achieved today. Full recovery would take up to 3 years. Oleksandr Kharchenko, Director at the Energy Industry Research Center made this statement at a briefing at Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform.
“If we were to imagine that we won today and continue to restore the system, in about 2 weeks all consumers would live in a stable schedule of outages. That is, outages would happen for about 4 hours a day, the electricity being supplied the rest of the time. In about 2.5-3 months, most likely, blackouts would become a thing of the past, everyone would receive electricity around the clock, as it was before the war. But to completely restore the system to its pre-war state, to really reliably reserve, restore in a proper and modern way, taking into account the fact that we want to have a more energy-efficient and “green” system, we will need 2.5-3 years,” — Kharchenko said.
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