Photo by Media Center Ukraine – Odesa: Pavlo Koval, General Director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation
April 4, 2023, 15:12

“Grain Corridor” works two times lower than its capacity – expert

Due to the work of the inspection commissions, less than three ships with Ukrainian agricultural products pass through the Bosphorus every day. Pavlo Koval, general director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, provided such data during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine Odesa.

“Due to the work of joint inspection commissions, less than 3 ships pass through the Bosphorus per day. The technical capacity is 7 ships. That is, the passage of very important cargo from Ukraine is more than 2 times slowed down”, – Pavlo Koval noted.

He added that for the entire time the “grain agreement” has been operating, Ukraine has supplied almost 2 million tons of food wheat.

“We supplied it to Bangladesh, Libya, Yemen, Jordan and other countries that are in need of it. We have fulfilled all our obligations, despite the accusations of the aggressor, that we sell our grain to rich countries through these grain corridors. This is manipulation and an attempt to disrupt the grain corridors,” – Pavlo Koval said.

He added that Ukraine lost some markets due to logistical problems caused by the war. 

“For example, Indonesia. Their annual requirement is 11 million tons of wheat. We supplied about 2 million, that is, a fourth part. And this year, due to logistical difficulties, we are supplying only 300-350 thousand tons,” – the expert said.

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