“German Railways – Deutsche Bahn – Can Help Export the Ukrainian Grain,” Germany’s Ambassador to Ukraine
Deutsche Bahn cooperates actively with the Ukrainian partners to help export grain. Anka Feldhusen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ukraine, made this statement during her briefing at Media Center Ukraine. According to her, test shipments are being organized now; the tests are about to be completed soon.
“We hope it will be possible to export grain via the Ukrainian seaports. However, we are not certain that the seaports can be unblocked, so we have to work to channel exports via the border between Ukraine and Poland. And we want to help. I sincerely hope that the tests will be completed in July, and we will be able to export grain daily,” the Ambassador of Germany to Ukraine stated.It was reported that excessive 23 million tonnes of grain are now stored in Ukraine. It is the remaining grain that could not be exported before the new harvest due to the blockade of Ukrainian seaports.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news