June 3, 2024, 17:10

Expanding shelter facilities for the transition to in-person learning: This year’s allocation of UAH 2.5 billion aims to ensure a safe educational environment in schools

The Ministry of Education and Science is stepping up efforts to bolster protective structures, ensuring more schools can resume in-person learning next year. To facilitate this, a hefty UAH 2.5 billion subvention has been earmarked to fortify educational institutions with secure facilities conducive to offline learning.

Andrii Vitrenko, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine announced the funding increase during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“The primary challenge this year, much like the previous year, remains security,” stated Andrii Vitrenko, reflecting on the ongoing efforts of the Ministry of Education and Science to bolster protective infrastructure. Last year, a substantial UAH 1.5 billion subvention was allocated to enhance security measures and provide educational institutions with safe learning environments through the construction of shelters. This year, that subvention has been increased to UAH 2.5 billion. Vitrenko expressed confidence that regions would utilize these funds effectively, paving the way children to resume full-fledged, high-quality, face-to-face education in general secondary schools.”

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news