May 30, 2024, 14:05

Challenges faced by students from temporarily occupied territories: identified issues and possible solutions

Surveys of students from temporarily occupied territories currently studying at universities have identified several problems they are facing today. These issues need to be resolved, in particular by the state, in order to ensure proper access to education to the youth from temporarily occupied territories.

This topic was discussed during a press conference at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

Valentina Potapova, Head of the Direction of the National Advocacy Department of the Almenda Center for Civic Education, pointed out three key problems with the main one being information availability.

“Sites are blocked, government agencies’ websites are blocked 100%. If you access them through a VPN, it is tracked by Internet providers, and the FSB invites those who accessed the websites in for a conversation regarding their reasons for doing so.”

Another problem concerns departure from temporarily occupied territories. The Ministry of Education’s methodological recommendations advise the transition to offline education, in particular, this applies to Kyiv. According to Valentina Potapova, this issue needs to be resolved in order to prevent expulsion of students from temporarily occupied territories, as they cannot attend classes offline due to travel difficulties.

In addition, students are facing the problem of submitting paper documents due to the difficulties associated with leaving temporarily occupied territories.

Another problem of students from temporarily occupied territories is financial well-being.

“We looked at the survey results, and there are almost 50% of children who left (temporarily occupied territories – Ed.) and were even provided with a dormitory, yet they live on less than UAH 8,000. I don’t know how they live in Kyiv, because they only have enough for food and travel,” she explained.

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