
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
October 26
2:00 РMKYIV– Jennes de Mol, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine; 

– Ihor Koliushko, Head of the Board at the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform; 

– Hanna Hopko, Chair of the Board of ANTS National Interests Advocacy Network;

– Oleksandr Ilkov, Director General at the Government Office for Coordination on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration; 

– Jaroslaw Timofiejuk, Head of the Political Section of the EU Delegation to Ukraine;  

– Alyona Getmanchuk, Founder and Director of the New Europe Center;
– Oleksandr Saienko, Public Governance Expert at USAID’s Rada Next Generation;

– Hlib Vyshlinsky, Executive Director at the Centre for Economic Strategy

– Viktoriia Melnyk, European Integration Project Manager at the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform.

Round table discussion: “Institutional capacity of the Government to come through with European integration”

12:00 РM


Oleksandr Lonchak, director of the department of education and science of Odesa Regional military Administration

Development of inclusive education and support system for children with special educational needs in Odesa region during martial law

13:00 РM


– Vira Yastrebova, lawyer, director of the NGO “Eastern Human Rights Group” 
  – Iryna Chaura, human rights activist

Human rights violations in the temporarily occupied territories