
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
March 26
03:00 РM KHARKIV-Володимир Кудрицький – голова правління НЕК «Укренерго» Briefing: “State of the power system of Ukraine and restoration of power supply to Kharkiv region”
12:00 PMKYIV– Iryna Suslova, Representative of the Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights in the Office of the Ombudsperson of Ukraine;
– Representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office;
– Olha Skrypnyk, Head of the Board of the Crimean Human Rights Group;
– Mariia Sulialina, Head of the Center for Civil Education “Almenda”;
– Khrystyna Shkudor, “Where Are Our People?” campaign advocacy manager, PR Army NGO.
– Vladyslav Havrylov, research historian at the ‘Where Are Our People?’ PR Army NGO project.

All in person.
Press briefing titled “Stolen Childhood: russia’s Preparation of Ukrainian Children for War Amid Occupation and Deportation

Why is it interesting?
russia is notorious for systematically committing war crimes in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Specifically, occupiers are coercing children into military activities within the occupied areas or forcibly relocating them to russian and belarusian territories. This strategic tactic is part of russia’s calculated policy, aimed at erasing Ukrainian identity among youth and assimilating them to address russia’s demographic challenges. These children are being groomed as future reserves for the russian military, primed for potential involvement in the conflict against Ukraine.

The russian regime is actively engaging in ideological indoctrination of Ukrainian youth in occupied or displaced regions. Employing propaganda within educational systems, the kremlin seeks to justify its unabated aggression against Ukraine. Under the guise of providing support for post-traumatic stress disorder, specialized camps are established to recruit minors into various paramilitary russian youth organizations like russia’s Youth Army military-patriotic movement, Vagnerenok (Junior Wagnerite), and Vympel youth military-patriotic centers. Here, they are molded into pawns of the kremlin, resembling nothing more than “toy soldiers.” Ukrainian children are coerced into writing letters and crafting postcards addressed to the very russian forces that occupy and devastate their communities.

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