
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
February 21
10:30 АMKYIVTetiana Katrychenko, Executive Director of the Media Initiative for Human Rights (MIHR);
Maria Klymyk, MIHR journalist;
Anastasiia Hondiul, wife of an Azov regiment soldier who was heavily injured in the Olenivka barrack, Olenivka Families Community NGO;
Bohdan Slobodian, witness to a Ukrainian serviceman’s death in russian captivity;
Andrii Yakovlev, lawyer, MIHR international law expert;

All in person.
Presentation of analytical report entitled: “Rescue mission: what is happening in russian captivity and how to prevent captured Ukrainian soldiers from dying”.

Why this is interesting:
During the presentation, the MIHR will present the analytical report on the testimonies of prisoners released in prisoner exchanges, who claim that Ukrainian soldiers died in russian captivity as a result of beatings or torture. They also claim that some prisoners committed suicides due to psychological, sexual or other types of violence in captivity. In response to the MIHR’s inquiry about the number of Ukrainians who died in russian captivity from February 24, 2022 to November 16, 2023, the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine stated 49 people.

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