
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
February 6
 1:00 PMKYIV Oleksandr Stavniichuk, Deputy Head of Directorate, Head of the Environmental Control Department of the Environmental Control and Methodology Directorate of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine

 Tatiana Tymochko, Head of the All-Ukrainian Ecological League NGO

 Bohdan Vykhor, Executive Director at WWF-Ukraine

 Anastasiia Skok, Environmental Director at Save Dnipro NGO
 Lorina Fedorova, sustainable land use specialist at Ecodiya NGO
Special event

Panel discussion “Eco-Terrorism: How Russia Destroys the Ecosystem of Ukraine and Europe”

Topics of focus:
– Figures and facts: what damage has russia caused to the global ecosystem?
– Green recovery: who, how, and when?
– Strategies and partners: what kind of assistance can Ukraine expect?
2:00 PMKYIVDaria Onyshchenko, Ukrainian-German Filmmaker (Eastalgia, The Forgotten), Member of Ukrainian Film Academy, Director and Co-Writer of Malevich

 Vitaliy Azhnov, Theater (Ivan Franko Drama Theater) and Movie Actor (December Tale or S.Mykolay’s Adventures, Hutsulka Ksenya, There Will Be People), Lead Actor playing artist Kazimir Malevich in the movie “Malevich”

 Tetyana Filevska, Creative Producer of the movie “Malevich,” Art Manager, Curator, expert on Kazimir Malevich’s works, Writer of books “Kazimir Malevich. Kyiv Period 1928-1930” and “Kazimir Malevich. Kyiv Aspect”
Discussion of the movie “Malevich”

Why this is interesting:
What lies behind the famous 1915 painting Black Square by the extravagant artist Kazimir Malevich? For his rivals it is a challenge, for the soviet authorities it is a secret code, for women it is a love letter, and for the Ukrainian people it is a tragic prediction of the future… The participants will talk about the movie about Malevich’s life and work.