April 4, 2022, 14:05

500 pyrotechnicians are ready to demine the liberated Bucha and other towns — State Emergency Service

Director of the Emergency Response Department of the State Emergency Service (SES) Volodymyr Demchuk said during a briefing at Ukraine Media Center that about 500 specialists of the State Emergency Service could already start to defuse the ammunition left in the regions liberated from the russians. According to him, there are enough specialists and there are qualified pyrotechnicians in every oblast. Moreover, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already requested international help.

«We work closely with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and have become reliable partners for other international organizations. Now, when there is an urgent need for equipment and specific pyrotechnic vehicles, we are working to obtain such assistance,» — Volodymyr Demchuk stated.

However, according to him, the active involvement of international partners in demining will be possible only after the cessation of active hostilities, so that Ukraine can guarantee the safety of foreigners. The SES also says it is impossible to estimate how many explosive devices will have to be dealt with until the war is over. Mr. Demchuk adds that international experience shows that the process of demining can take decades.

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