April 16, 2022, 13:48

«Ydy sobi na dno» (Go to the bottom)  — leader of Mad Heads band Vadym Krasnooky presented a song about the sunken Moskva cruiser

Leader of Mad Heads band Vadym Krasnooky presented a song dedicated to the Moskva cruiser sunk by the Ukrainian military. The musician performed the song publicly for the first time at Ukraine Media Center.

The singer says the idea for the song came suddenly.

«The symbol of this warship has already become a symbol of our enemy in this war. Since the first days, this is one of those images we are at war with. The fact that the flagship sank, I also think, is very symbolic and a very good sign of where all this russian military «machine» is going and where this whole regime is going», – Vadym Krasnooky said.

The leader of the band also said he would be recording the song in the studio in the coming days.

To recall, the Moskva cruiser was the flagship of the russian Black Sea Fleet, which sank as a result of a missile strike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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