Ukraine Media Center’s April 27, 2022, Briefing Schedule (32 Rynok Sq., Lviv)
10:00 AM – Special Event
Orientation session for media representatives:
- key current topics
- historical, economic, geopolitical contexts
- practical knowledge for work of journalists in Ukraine
More information at: https://mediacenter.org.ua/uk/orientationsession/
12:30 PM – Maksym Kozytskyy, Head of Lviv Oblast Military Administration (in person)
Topic: Lviv region – two months of war
3:00 PM – Yevhen Kramarenko, Head of the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone (Chornobyl) Management
Current topic:
- restoration of security in the Chornobyl zone after deoccupation
Why this is interesting: the short-lived russian occupation of the Chornobyl NPP has caused enormous damage, the consequences of which are now being catalogued and eliminated by a special agency of the Ukrainian government.
To note: the accident at the Chornobyl NPP happened on April 26, 1986, exactly 36 years ago.
5:30 PM – Special Event
The play in the bomb shelter – «Mama po Skaipu» (Mother via Skype). The play was created by a group of teenage actors from the theater studio of the «School of Arts of the Free and Indifferent» under the direction of Oleg Oneshchak based on the book of the same name.
Works of Ukrainian authors are used in the play, in particular, of: Marianna Kiyanovska, Maryana Savka, Oksana Lushchevska, Tanya Malyarchuk, Halyna Kruk, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna.
Before the performance, the media will have the opportunity to talk to the actors and the director.
Attention, different location: FESTrepublic
(Lviv, 24 Staroznesenska str.) – UKRYTTYA (SHELTER) (entrance through the office)
Contact for details: Taras Maselko +380979675199.
The briefing schedule is subject to change.
Please follow our updates at:
https://bit.ly/3qSJtRU – live streams
The Media Center will function as a co-working space from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Contact us at:
+38 067 652 91 97