November 27, 2023, 17:12

Traffic blocked on 12 Ukrainian highways due to bad weather, heavy vehicles and passenger buses banned from using 6 highways

According to Ukravtodor State Agency of Automobile Roads of Ukraine, as of 2:00 PM on Monday, travel is allowed on public roads. However, traffic is blocked on 12 highways, in particular, 8 roads in Mykolaiv region, 3 in Odesa oblast, and 1 in Kirovohrad region.

Oleksandr Khorunzhyy, Press Officer of the State Emergency Service, made this statement during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

In addition, Oleksandr Khorunzhyy pointed out that the traffic of heavy vehicles is prohibited on 6 highways. In particular, there is one such highway in Mykolaiv region, including for passenger buses, three in Cherkasy region, one in Odesa region, and one in Kirovohrad oblast.

At the same time, restrictions in Kyiv region and the ban on entry into Kyiv city have been lifted.

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