“Tractors Work even in the Grey Area—Crops Were Sown in 85% of Fields in Mykolaiv Oblast,” Vitaliy Kim
People have sown 85% of fields in Mykolaiv Oblast wherever it is possible, and no invaders are present. Vitaliy Kim, Head of Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration, disclosed this information at his press briefing in Media Center Ukraine.
“I visited the frontline personally. Tell you what, tractors are working, and the land is tilled even in grey areas between sections of the frontline, so fighting does not stop us. However, we have issues with sales, logistics, and fuel; the latter issue will be tackled soon, I believe,” Kim said.
According to him, local farmers increase the number of grain storage facilities expecting that our Armed Forces will chase invaders away soon and the farmers will be able to export grain via the Black Sea.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news