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Themes by tag: volunteers

08.07.2022 Come Back Alive charity will hand over their product – Wall-e mobile surveillance systems – to units of the Armed Forces
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07.07.2022 Danish urbanist brings 100 bikes to Lviv for Ukrainian IDPs. He plans to deliver 2000 bikes
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06.07.2022 Refugee volunteers from Slovyansk opened a meal center in Lviv
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04.07.2022 IDPs who had to leave their home twice due to the war have opened a bakery in Dnipro and bring bread to the front line
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01.07.2022 Ukraine Raises a Drone Army, Planning to Buy 200 Recon UAVs and Thousands of Regular Drones for Ukraine’s Armed Forces
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30.06.2022 Volunteers help rebuild buildings destroyed by invaders and repair dormitories for IDPs
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29.06.2022 Famous presenter host helps retirees in need in deoccupied towns and villages of Kyiv region
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28.06.2022 In Kharkiv, volunteers help locals by cooking and delivering by bus over 10,000 servings of food per day
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28.06.2022 Rescuing animals during the war – UAnimals, an animal welfare organization, offers an authentic autograph of Leonardo DiCaprio
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23.06.2022 Ukrainian TV presenter and philanthropist Serhiy Prytula announced a fundraising campaign for UAH 500 million to buy 3 Bayraktar drones
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