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Themes by tag: volunteers

26.01.2023 “Dobrobat” volunteer building division helps victims to quickly restore housing in de-occupied territories
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25.01.2023 “Zatyshok,” anti-crisis transit hub in Dnipro for displaced persons from Donetsk region fleeing active hostilities
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23.01.2023 Mriia Charitable Foundation Founded by Yuliia “Taira” Paievska Invites to the Public Start of Its Activities
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23.01.2023 A Lion from Sumy Region Was Under Fire, and a Lemur from Kherson City Survived a Missile Hit on the Petting Zoo: How the Wild Animal Rescue Center Cares of the Evacuated Animals
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23.01.2023 In Need to Hide from Invaders: the Story of Iryna Salikhova, Who Organized a Team of Volunteers in the Occupied Kherson City
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19.01.2023 Everyone is welcome: first aid training will take place at 12 stations of the capital’s metro
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19.01.2023 Almost no roof left after shelling: volunteers will rebuild a destroyed school in Hostomel, Kyiv region
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19.01.2023 A project providing free psychological help to everyone was launched in Ukraine. About 1,000 people have already consulted psychologists and psychiatrists
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18.01.2023 Volunteers Launched a Psychological Support Line for Female Defenders at the Front Line
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17.01.2023 How Explorers Being Shelled by Invaders and Risking Their Lives Evacuate the Bodies of Dead Military and Civilians
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