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Themes by tag: volunteers

13.03.2023 Repairing bicycles, clearing rubble, and even laying pipes: the story of a foreigner who came from the UK to help Ukrainians
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10.03.2023 Journalists are invited to join the team of medical volunteers during future trips to the de-occupied territories
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08.03.2023 Volunteer teachers in Zaporizhia set up after-class clubs for refugee children: they organize games and performances by themselves
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08.03.2023 Scientist that doubles as a volunteer to clear debris: folklorist Tetiana, who studies the language of Ukrainian embroidery, joined the ranks of volunteers
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06.03.2023 Sewing pillows, bed linen, and knitting socks: ‘Grandma’s Battalion’ volunteers help Ukraine defenders
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03.03.2023 An entrepreneur turned a Ukrainian-German plastic surgery clinic into a wartime medical facility to treat wounded soldiers
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02.03.2023 Clearing debris: on the weekend, volunteers will work in several settlements of Kyiv region
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27.02.2023 Cooking on refrigerator grills and melting snow for water: how an educational hub turned into a support center with a field kitchen during the occupation of Mariupol
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22.02.2023 Former Vice-Consul of Guinea in Ukraine helps to clear debris in Kyiv region: the story of Issa Sadi Diallo, who joined the volunteers of “Dobrobat”
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21.02.2023 Clearing debris, repairing roofs and setting up shelters: volunteers of “Brave to Rebuild” project help residents in de-occupied territories
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