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Themes by tag: reconstruction

27.06.2022 Ukroboronprom and the Ukrainian Startup Fund provide grants for defense projects
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22.06.2022 Volunteers of the Repair Together Project Renovate Buildings Destroyed by russian invaders
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21.06.2022 Volunteers in Kharkiv Clear Debris and Put Things in Order – They Help People Renovate Their Homes Damaged by Shelling
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17.06.2022 Courage to Rebuild Ukraine: volunteers gathering community to help clear rubble of houses in Irpin and Bucha
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17.06.2022 Over 100 pregnant women who fled the war will receive temporary housing in Lviv. Construction is to be completed in July
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16.06.2022 Barabashovo Market in Kharkiv, the largest in Eastern Europe, comes back to life after a massive fire caused by russian bombardment
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08.06.2022 A Rivne chimney sweeper restores the oven for the famous grandma from Horenka, who became famous for baking Easter bread amidst ruins in her yard
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30.05.2022 IDPs from Kherson who had lost their business opened a cafe in Ivano-Frankivsk
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25.05.2022 A family from Mariupol lost almost everything—their apartment near Azovstal burned away, and their business ceased to exist. However, they decided to open a cafe in Lviv together with their friends.
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18.05.2022 Ukrainian Volunteers Establish a Construction Battalion to Rebuild Cities and Villages Destroyed by russians
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