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Themes by tag: reconstruction

23.02.2023 Beds, study desks and even a corner for relaxation: an exemplary bomb shelter was set up in one of Kharkiv’s lyceums
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22.02.2023 Reconstruction of Bucha high-rise residential building damaged by enemy rocket attacks is near completion 
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22.02.2023 Former Vice-Consul of Guinea in Ukraine helps to clear debris in Kyiv region: the story of Issa Sadi Diallo, who joined the volunteers of “Dobrobat”
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21.02.2023 Clearing debris, repairing roofs and setting up shelters: volunteers of “Brave to Rebuild” project help residents in de-occupied territories
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20.02.2023 Hundreds of volunteers joined the project: how “Army of Recovery” is being implemented in Kyiv region
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20.02.2023 Almost one year after fierce battles: how the de-occupied village of Moshchun in Kyiv region is being restored
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17.02.2023 Photos of this place went viral: damaged houses in Bucha are being rebuilt on a street that was littered with broken enemy equipment
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15.02.2023 Residents of a badly damaged district in Irpin have been collecting funds for the restoration of buildings for almost a year
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13.02.2023 Apartment buildings damaged during the occupation continue to be restored in Bucha
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10.02.2023 Volunteers are receiving training in Odesa to set off on a mission to help the residents of Kherson in mid-February
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