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Themes by tag: reconstruction

30.05.2023 On June 3, media representatives are invited to the training “Restoring Ukraine”
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29.05.2023 On May 30, the Spilka independent volunteer group of artists will help the community in the Kyiv region
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29.05.2023 Irpin’s private sector destroyed by Russian occupiers, is being rebuilt
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24.05.2023 Lviv Urban Forum will take place in June to discuss the post-war reconstruction of Ukrainian cities
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24.05.2023 On May 27-28, volunteers will clear the rubble of buildings destroyed in the war
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23.05.2023 “Art of invincibility” project: how the remains of russian missiles and ammunition turned into art objects will help to restore the rehabilitation academy on Khortytsia island
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10.05.2023 A new modular town built with the funds of Finland will be opened in Irpin, Kyiv region
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09.05.2023 Came from Canada and even Australia: how foreigners are helping Ukrainian volunteers rebuild the country
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08.05.2023 An outpatient clinic in Horenka village was rebuilt and turned energy efficient after being shelled by russians
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25.04.2023 Banksy’s graffiti in Irpin will be relocated: the building with it is being dismantled
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