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Themes by tag: occupation

09.09.2022 Beauty volunteers help residents of liberated villages in Kyiv Oblast. They do nails and hair for free while giving people a safe space to talk about their experiences
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02.09.2022 The farmer Oleksandr Kryvosheia called the Ukrainian artillery fire onto his warehouse where russian invaders were based. Today, a charity raises UAH 600,000 to restore his roof
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10.08.2022 Sociotherapy Crisis Center in Kyiv offers help to Ukrainians who survived occupation or stayed in combat areas
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03.08.2022 After a month under occupation in Luhansk Oblast, healthcare professionals of Starobilsk Hospital resume working in Dnipro
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03.08.2022 He made it through dozens of checkpoints: A fireman from Mariupol repaired his car under artillery fire to evacuate his family to a safe place
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26.07.2022 Children who survived the occupation in Bucha are making a film together with Ukrainian filmmakers
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20.07.2022 An 18-year-old resident of Kherson fled to Kyiv and helps her grandmother, who was left without pension under the occupation
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19.07.2022 Team from evacuated Luhansk oncology clinic performed their first surgeries in Rivne region
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13.07.2022 Wheat fields burnt down as a result of russian shelling. Journalists in Kyiv region are invited to a farm that was damaged under the occupation
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11.07.2022 An exhibition of paintings and graphics of an artist who had to leave his native Mariupol due to the war will open in Lviv
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