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Themes by tag: military

24.05.2022 He Took russians Captive and Protected His Soldiers—a Story of a National Guardsman from Chernihiv
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23.05.2022 Roman Kostenko, Member of Verkhovna Rada, Volunteered to the Frontline and Fights in Ukraine’s South Now
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20.05.2022 Azovstal photographer captured by russians asks to spread his photos
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19.05.2022 Volunteer Lawyers Will Provide Legal Advice to Military Personnel and Their Family Members Pro Bono; Their Initiative Has Been Supported by Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, and Denys Maliuska, Minister of Justice
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18.05.2022 Yevheniia Bakai, the First Female Navigator in the Ukrainian Navy
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