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Themes by tag: demining

18.07.2024 She met her future husband right on a minefield: the story of the EOD specialist Anastasiia
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27.03.2024 A manicurist, an IT expert or a confectioner: how Ukrainians of various professions help to clear the country of mines
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06.11.2023 EOD specialists of the Municipal Guard will search for explosives under water in Kyiv region
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31.10.2023 Mined fields and fighting nearby: the story of Anton Tenyk, a farmer from the Kherson region
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17.10.2023 A kevlar apron, a visor and a metal detector: Danish Refugee Council trains civilian deminers to search for explosives
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10.08.2023 Russia-Ukraine war veteran set up a mine clearance company and training center for explosive ordnance disposal specialist
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