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Themes by tag: casualties

17.06.2022 Courage to Rebuild Ukraine: volunteers gathering community to help clear rubble of houses in Irpin and Bucha
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17.06.2022 Over 100 pregnant women who fled the war will receive temporary housing in Lviv. Construction is to be completed in July
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15.06.2022 A Turkish National Became a Volunteer in Ukraine and Helps Ukraine’s Armed Forces
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15.06.2022 Irpin Residents Who Lost Their Homes due to the War Will Be Sheltered in UZ Railcars
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15.06.2022 Ukrainian Museum Workers Help Their Colleagues Near the Frontline and in Occupied Territories by Rescuing Not Only Exhibits But Also Their Lives
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14.06.2022 IT Companies from Kramatorsk, a City near the Frontline, Offer Their Replacements for russian Software. Company Founders Were Displaced due to the War for the Second Time
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13.06.2022 Lviv Surgeons Rescued a Boy with a Mortal Wound from Lysychansk – a Fragment of Projectile Stuck in His Lung
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13.06.2022 Hands for a Mom – Proceeds from Sales of the Works of Art Will Be Used to Provide Prosthetics to Women Who Lost Their Limbs during the War
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08.06.2022 A Rivne chimney sweeper restores the oven for the famous grandma from Horenka, who became famous for baking Easter bread amidst ruins in her yard
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07.06.2022 100 educational institutions in Lviv continue to provide shelter for IDPs, while teachers are constantly volunteering
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